Friday, July 1, 2011


Then again, I question myself.

Am I living the life I want, the way I want it? What is it that I want? Can I change anything?

Life is pretty short. Bang you get born then you grow through school and pretty soon you're juggling hormones plus work. Then you juggle stress and roles to handle and you handle old age. Then you're gone forever. Makes me wonder how things work.

It kinda scares me to think that I'm nothing in the future. Not a speck, not a hair, not anything. How do you live life the way you want to? How do you live it to the fullest? What IS the fullest?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How could you just disappear just like that?

For months now I've been asking myself.


i'll miss the old railway station - it's been part of me since i was born.

it's whr i look forward to CNY each year

whr i got confused as to which immigration line to follow

whr i sat my first exciting 1st class train ride

whr i get to pick the bed i wanted

whr i saw my dad give up his lower bed to an elderly bcuz she cldnt climb up

whr i wld watch the shores of JB approaching and see a giant CANON sign

whr i wld admire the pristine white water pipes

whr a holiday always awaits

whr i anticipate new year goodies and seeing my relatives

whr it brings me to a feeling of home

its kinda like where i grew up and lived life.

Why oh why do they have to tear me down?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


OH my gawd! I'm so totally hooked on/in love with these sites!

Been collecting art, room and craft ideas. Why not? Only one live. Time to live it up!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

From now!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.."

-- Mark Twain

Pretty much sums up what I kinda believe in life. Grab those chances, make the best out of them, don't forget to tell/show your family and friends you care. Life is short. Eat well, have fun. Spread a smile, make a joke. Take a leap. Do something different. Believe in love. Trust yourself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why not before?

It's so obvious. I have that aim. I aim to visit every treehouse I can in this world. So far I've searched one in China, another in Laos and another in Vancouver already. Woohoo!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15th. 8 years ago.

I've grown yeah. Today I went to play the piano and boyyy am I rusty! Shoots. Art day today! My long/short-term goals are:

Travel more!
White water raft!
Trapise down the streets of the unknown.
Enjoy food!
Enjoy company.
Show my feelings.
Put in my all.

Bye Ah Ye. You know I love you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Where you'll be and where you've been

Where will I be, in future's time?

Will I be the contented grandmother cradling the child in my arms, taking a stroll around the blocks in the park, the lady in powersuit finally gotten used to high heels, having the time of my life travelling through the regions of SEA and Europe, the lady jetting around in my own car (drop those COE prices!), happily ferrying my parents around to where they want, the one being able to go on holidays at a greater whim compared the usual 9-5ers?

Will I be surrounded with friends who keep in contact, my loved ones with me, will I be the average or above average OT? Then again, with respect to all the wonderful, hopeful things that can happen, the entire opposite may also happen.

Ahhhhh I'm getting soooo old. The joys of donning a uniform again, skipping classes, the world of innocence. Brwar. Guess we kinda morphed into the dark and dangerous world. Ohwells. To make the best out of it, to act in conscience.

Weee! Today I spent the longest time ever guy-shopping. Hahhaa. Happiness now is being in contact with my friends, yipppeee!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

With what you have..

Its about what you have. I have a Dad currently slogging away at close to 1am when we're due to wake up at 4plus. I have a Mom sleeping peacefully.

Sufficiency. We're really growing up nehs. So much development ever since we last saw each other. Are we becoming different now? The good thing about family is that no matter what, you'll still get together somehow.