Friday, November 5, 2010


You know, life is good. Gooottttt.

Finished that one exam, on holiday now. It's pretty rather amazing considering that this semester hasn't been that extreme work at all, either that or it's something unique about Singapore education. Tho I agree. It's so much more fast-paced there, we're trained to think fast, act fast, move fast.

Past few days have been non-stop!
Fri - Supper market (which turned out to be only a small crowd)
Sat - Queen Victoria Market + shopping
Sun - Camberwell market (sian rained) + dimsum (I've had better)
Mon - Bendigo school trip
Tues - Bendigo school trip, fell asleep at everything
Wed - Rest day
Thurs - Springvale (asian community) + Chadstone (the LARGEST shopping centre in the whole of Southern Hemisphere!)
Today - Rest + pack
Sat - Brighton beach + bathing boxes!
Sun - Rest??
Wed - Fly off to Tasmania then Sydney for my TWO week holiday!

Pretty cool huhs. So urgh of me to keep falling asleep during the important stuff and perk up only for the play moments. Sighh. I hope this doesn't translate to work. I shall set my own culture to take a break when I need too, humans can't work 8 hours a day with just a lunch break!

Just before exams (again) I honestly couldn't fall asleep. And plus the heater's down (again) and it's 11 degrees at night. Arggh. Why can't they ever up the heater when we need it?? Last weekend I think I was sleeping at 2:30am for 3 nights, but I got better! Snoozed at 1230am for two nights already. I rock!

Like I said, life is good. I'm lookin' fwd to travelling, tasting Sg life again, celebrating festive seasons, meeting my friends, exploring more of Melbourne, a brand new sem next year, spending money saving money, and keeping in touch. But life can get better. I just really really want them to know I'm there. Like how some are there for me. Always.


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