Thursday, October 28, 2010

My happy gifts to remind myself of them when I'm over. Card from Yiks, pouch and star phone charm frm skee n sm, wooden board deco from Chanchans, super card from Su (just so like her), and of course, my constant happiness reminder of 4E1! (((((((: Q5 is right; I look at the card and it is my strength. I can never ask for any bunch of mates better.

Honestly, going back is almost becoming my top priority now other than sleeping and eating. And studying. Haha! Oh and enjoying myself to the max.

Went for salsa and bachata with Nik on Monday. Woooo hot! It was quite fun, the teacher made it like social dancing so we get to swing ourselves to the next partner. Bachata involves lots of hipswaying which (urgh) I can't master yet and partner's bugging me to practise. Shoots I'll miss next week's lesson! Sigh. Well at least I'll have one more with Nik, he's so fun, he makes me smile most of the time. And it felt so nice to just come home after midnight w/o having to report to anyone. Hahhaha.
Which reminds me. I'm seeking a good, deep belly laugh. If you have the concoction for it, pls contact me. I'm missing it. Cross fingers that I can go for E1 chalet! I really really really wanna!
I need more friends, need to getaway from (ugh) weird ppl in aussie. Trust me no kidding there are just wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiierd people. And nice people like Nik and some of my really sweet friends. Wakkaa.
Now I'm learning songs on piano again. Shiokkk! I just wish the piano was nearer.
Happy Birthday to the people I know! Erwin, Peiyin, Miao, Keng & HB! Sooooo many birthdays, more to come.

Back to studying! Down, fb, down!


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